element 9 quality work element 9 quality work / http://backend.userland.com/rss ¾«¶«Ó°Òµ WebTeam Turning Around Employee Turnover Companies can reduce costly churn if managers know what to look for. But they usually don't -- and that's because too many managers think money is at the root of the turnover issue. This article uncovers the real sources of the problem and reveals the reasons most people quit. Find out how to keep good employees from walking out the door. /businessjournal/106912/Turning-Around-Your-Turnover-Problem.aspx?utm_source=tagrss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication /businessjournal/106912/Turning-Around-Your-Turnover-Problem.aspx?utm_source=tagrss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=syndication Thu, 08 May 2008 14:45:00 GMT